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Start-Up Visa Program

What is it

The Start-up Visa program is a gateway to Canadian Permanent Residence for entrepreneurs and business owners and their families. The program is designed for immigrant entrepreneurs possessing the capability and the expertise to build businesses in Canada that are innovative, globally competitive and lead to job creation in Canada. A relatively new immigration program, the increasing trend in successful applications year-on-year speaks volumes about the attractiveness of this immigration route for suitably eligible applicants.

Salient Features

The Start-up Visa program is distinguished by several key aspects which are noteworthy:

  • Achieving PR status is not contingent on performance figures of business entered into
  • No business investment stipulations with regard to applicant’s own commitment of funds
  • Absence of any net-worth admissibility criterion

Eligibility Requirements

1. Have an eligible business.

2. Obtain a Letter of Support from a designated organization. Designated organizations are private business groups handpicked by the government to invest in start-up businesses through this program.

3. Fulfill the Language requirements. Secure a minimum level of CLB 5 in either of the official Canadian languages (English/ French) in any approved language test.

4. Have sufficient funds to settle in Canada. At time of application, applicant must produce proof of sufficient funds to support self and dependents after arrival in Canada.

Until such time as required for the permanent residence application to be processed, one can apply for a temporary work permit to arrive in Canada and set up the business.

Let us Help

A single innovative business idea can propel you to a new life for yourself and your family in Canada. With its linkages with the business organizations designated for this, the program seeks to benefit both the entrepreneur and start-up investors. Our experts at Ekann Immigration Inc. can guide you on the steps elaborated under this program to start your own new business in Canada with the active support of participating organizations.

Visit Canada as a Business Visitor

Visitors who want to come to Canada for business purposes typically stay in the country for a few days or weeks but can extend their stay for up to 6 months. The activities that are classified under ‘business’ include participation in international business activities, visits to explore business opportunities to invest or expanding current ones. Business visitors may need a temporary visitor visa or an electronic travel authorization (eTA) to enter Canada.

Eligibility Requirements

To qualify as a business visitor, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Restrict your stay to within 6 months
  • Do not enter the Canadian labour market
  • Establish that your main place of business and source of income and profits is outside Canada
  • Meet Canada’s basic travel conditions (valid passport, no medical and criminal admissibility, sufficient funds to cover living expenses, undertaking to return to home country)

Let us Help

Beyond the requirements stated above, there are other factors too which have to considered, like for instance, business visitors and business people are not the same (the latter are covered under a free trade agreement). Additionally, any business visit which exceeds 6 months may have to be accompanied by a temporary work permit. Our experts at Ekann Immigration Inc. can help you to successfully check your eligibility parameters and file a suitable application.