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LMIA Based Work Permit

A Labor Market Impact Assessment or LMIA enables Canadian employers to hire Temporary Foreign Worker (TFW). LMIA serves as evidence of non-availability of Canadian citizens or permanent residents for a specific job that results in raising the opportunities for international employees.

LMIA - Based Work Permit Application Process

It is a two-step process for foreign national to get an LMIA-based work permit:

  • Firstly, the employers apply to obtain LMIA for TFW

This step determines whether the job offered to the TFW is a high wage

or a low wage position. To identify this, one needs to assure if the income offered is higher or lower than the standard provincial median average rate.

  • Secondly the TFW applies for the work permit visa

Here the employer must execute and provide evidence of recruitment efforts made to employ Canadian citizens or permanent residents and submit and application to Employment and Social Development Canada for Labour Market Impact Assessment. Once the employer gets a positive decision on their application them TFW can apply for LMIA based work permit.